Monday, November 29, 2010

Project Update- Finish by Christmas!

The last time I had a project update was two weeks ago.  We are well advanced from where we were at that time.  This project is incredibly interesting and it is continuously one challenge after another.  So far, the biggest challenge has been the material supply of wood.  At the beginning, my lumber yard was literally the forest next door, and my mode of transportation was a pair of oxen.  Lately, my wood supply has been an unsorted pile of wood that has sat outside for the last two years.  This means that every 2x4, every piece of wood needs to be dimensioned to size so that we have standardization.  If any wood will be seen post-construction, it needs to be passed through the planer to cut away the nasty gray weathered skin on the wood.  Transportation is one pick-up truck shared by myself and 6 other workers around the resort.  

Here are pictures of our advancements:

Straw bales arrive tomorrow, and yet again, we find ourselves with a new and uncharted series of challenge.  I´m thankful for the good attitudes of the workers and their willingness to tackle new things.

The goal is to finish the project  by Christmas.  It is a hefty challenge, but with good coordination, teamwork, and long hours we can make it happen!

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